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The Church and Human Trafficking

Heart Two Heart Ministries recently had the privilege of interviewing Angela Greenig, Evangelist and Foundress Set Free Ministries. She is an amazing and fearless woman of God. Heart Two Heart hosted her at the Father's House nearly one year ago, and the friendship and connection started then has been a marvelous blessing. Angela works deeply with those who have fallen prey to human trafficking all around the world, and is in God's business of "setting the captives free." Check our her interview below.

What is Fasting and Prayer for You?

"'Faith without works is dead.' Fasting and prayer crucifies the flesh, and it is important. It helps you to be able to to hear what the Father is saying. Fasting and prayer always happens before any great work is begun . But, Habbakuk says 'the vision is for an appointed time.' You have to have a plan. I've found fasting and praying is only one part of His master plan; ACTION is part two. Fasting and prayer and action to end the sex slave trade is needed all around the world."

Concerning Trafficked Persons "Many who do escape the clutches of great darkness find salvation, but they need a place to heal: to be counseled, listened to and loved. But, they will also need real life experiences, like getting a job, as well. They have to learn how not to live the old ways but learning the new way through Christ. It's a lot...

I know Lee Anne hosts priests and seminarians in the Father's House, but maybe God's gonna use her as a Voice for Canada in the Church. The bottom line is there nerds to be a safe place for those who are lost."

How Angela Ministers to Trafficked Persons

"I go in; God shines with His light and truth. They pray and get saved and then we get them off to safe houses immediately. Some won't leave but they want Jesus. (the money is a few grand/week).

I fast and pray and I strategize my surroundings: who and what is in charge in the natural (the people in authority positions). Also, spiritually what am I dealing with? I have to go sever the bondages and soul ties. The mind is the hardest thing for many. They have such great fear for their lives, and those of their children and families. The threat these guys pump into them is not-stop FEAR...worthlessness, and "no one really loves you or cares." That's why the number one thing they need, like all of us, is LOVE."

Angela Greenig is a blessed Evangelist, Speaker, Writer and Pastor. Check our her ministry at

And keep her in your daily prayers!

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