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The Most Dangerous Nations in the World to Be a Christian

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matt. 5:44)

If you thought China was a difficult place to be a Christian, you would be right. There, the Church has been operating underground since the "Cultural Revolution" in the 1950's. Cardinal Zen has repeatedly experienced persecution and pressure from the communist government. (Catholic News Agency, link) Currently, "Surveillance in China is among the most oppressive and sophisticated in the world, and Christian leaders are particularly vulnerable to persecution, including imprisonment or, in a small number of cases, abduction." (Open Doors, link)

No one knows how many thousands of Christians (and other minority groups) are dettered in Chinese concentration camps: "Inside China's Detention Camps: Christian Survivor Reveals Horrific Abuses," (Christian Broadcasting Network, link), and "Chinese Christians Held in Secretive Brainwashing Camps," (Radio Free Asia, link)

Yet, China is only ranked no. 16 out of the top 50 most dangerous countries in the world to be a Christian!

Recently, we issued a call for prayer for a certain region of India, where Christians were being beaten and driven from the homes and villages. India is ranked number 11 on the World Watch List...what of the top ten?

For your prayer and consideration, the following is taken from the Open Doors World Watch List 2023- The Most Dangerous Nations in the World to Be a Christian

  1. North Korea -" Number 1, North Korea: the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian. Spies are everywhere. Discovery means death- either by execution, or by being worked to death in a labour camp." -"Christians have absolutely no freedom. It is almost impossible for believers to gather or meet to worship. Those who dare to meet must do so in utmost secrecy – and at enormous risk. A new 'anti-reactionary thought law' makes it amply clear that being a Christian or possessing a Bible is a serious crime and will be severely punished."

  2. Somalia -"In Somalia, Islamic militants are intensifying their hunt for Christians, and violent attacks are increasing." -"Somalia is a majority Muslim nation and society expects all Somalis to be Muslim. Imams in mosques and madrassas state publicly that there is no room for Christianity, Christians or churches. The violent insurgent group al-Shabaab has repeatedly expressed its desire to eradicate Christians from the country. Christians from Muslim backgrounds are regarded as high-value targets and may be killed on the spot if discovered."

  3. Yemen

  4. Eritrea

  5. Libya

  6. Nigeria -"In Nigeria, more Christians are killed than in all the other countries of the world combined." -there are approximately 20 million Catholics in Nigeria (compared to approx. 12 million in Canada)

  7. Pakistan

  8. Iran

  9. Afghanistan -"Following the Taliban takeover, those Christians who have not fled the country have been forced deep underground. If discovered, they face death..."

  10. Sudan


"Despite the danger, in all these countries the Church is not defeated!"

Let us pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world for grace, courage, and for open doors of religious freedom.


In the Father's Love,

Daniel and Lee Anne Devine

+++ Come to me, all that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28)



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